Tap Into Flexible Skills, Flexible Sourcing and Flexible Career Paths

Since 2015, Tech Trends and the Global Technology Leadership Study have predicted the emergence of a new breed of IT worker, capable of infusing creativity, design, and emotional intelligence into the expanded definition of a technology team.

Over the next 18–24 months, technology leaders can reimagine the workforce and workplace to focus on the skills (both human and technical) needed to deliver IT products and services. Leading companies are likely to get creative and tap into new sources for finding talent while providing a compelling talent experience to retain top performers.

To attract talent, organizations are often relying on a single approach, such as increasing compensation, providing flexible work arrangements, and reskilling or upskilling. However, as the talent shortage continues, choosing just one of these solutions is unsustainable.

In a recent article, Deloitte explores how Flexibility is turning into the best ability, reimagining the tech workforce. Rather than competing for the same talent using the same methods as others, technology leaders can expand the scope of their offering by tapping into areas like flexible skills, flexible sourcing, and flexible career paths.