2023 is predicted to be the Year of Reskilling

As the world of business keeps changing, now faster than ever, it is important for businesses to prepare their employees. 2023 is predicted to be the year of reskilling. Reskilling does not simply reduce staff turnover, it helps attract external talent and improves competitiveness in challenging labour market conditions.

But, how do you reskill successfully? Our team has collated some tips below:

  • Execute an in-depth analysis of the current skills of your existing staff as a baseline pre-reskilling.
  • Make an assessment of the current skills gaps to spot missing capabilities for emerging functions.
  • Maintain productivity by training good-fit talent for specific skills.
  • Choose the right set of methods, create a clear plan and communicate it in full transparency with your employees to ensure they all embrace the initiative.
  • Launch the program and be prepared to adjust as you go.
  • Focus on the soft skills – do not overlook the need to reskill your employees on soft skills. Analytical thinking, creativity and flexibility are expected to be among the most in-demand skills by 2025.

At DCV, we fully align with the concept of the importance of staff reskilling. In addition to our recruitment service, we have partnered with a number of training providers to support organisations with “Re-Skill” initiatives to mitigate risks where key resources are difficult to find.